JAM Animation Studio is a 3D animation studio located in Ho Chi Minh city, South Viet Nam . It was founded in 2015 with an plan and produce 3D animation.
We produce many 3D animations for TV series and content for TV commercials.
We won’t just follow the existing but create our own trend into the field of animation. We recognize that the core values of animation are “story” and “idea”. We will create compelling stories with an outstanding visual language and bring happiness to audiences around the world.
With Jam Animation Studio you can be sure of having: a faithful team of 3D Artist, Concept designers and Animators daily working for the achievement of your quality animated commercial.
[Address]: Head Building 10 Song Thao street, ward 02, Tan Binh district, HCM city, VN
[Email]: jamstudio.vn@gmail.com
[Website]: www.jamstudio.vn
[Mobile]: (+84) 0918 624 650 (English) 0985 68 68 60 (Vietnamese)